Thursday, June 11, 2009

Armed and dangerous

Think about all the professions you admire. For me I respect jobs that are risky, dangerous, and important to my well being. I look at soldiers, fire fighters, police officers, people like that and am grateful for all they do. I know that I never will have the guts to do anything like that because I'm just too scared to be honest. I don't want to risk my life fighting vicious criminals, or walk through a blazing house, or go overseas and engage in combat against terrorists. No way, I'll leave that to someone else.  So i sit back and appreciate those who do risk their lives everyday and bust their tails so I don't have to. 

Tonight my wife dealt with a girl that has been dealing with spiritual oppression for several years. This stuff has been serious to this young lady not only emotionally but even physical where the walls in her room shake and she wakes up in the middle of the night scared to death. 

Tonight I was reminded that ministers of Jesus have the most dangerous job in the world. We deal with forces that are not of flesh and blood but of spiritual ones. We are at constant battle. There is a war going on between good and evil, light and darkness, God and his angels vs satan and his demons. Every day satan wants to take lives and destroy them. He steals, kills, and destroys...

Through Jesus, we have the power to reclaim the lost and give life to the hopeless. It is through Jesus Christ that all things are passed away and all things become new. It is through him that the lost are found and the dead become alive. 

As ministers of the gospel we are armed and dangerous. 

Armed and dangerous.. this is serious stuff. The battle is intense, the enemy relentless, the pressure is on.. yet we are more than conquers through Christ who gives us strength. Yes I respect those who serve our country but I'm even more thankful for my fellow Christian brothers and sisters that are fighting for souls every day. 

Thanks be to God that life change is possible through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.  

1 comment:

Micah Andrew Hasty said...

Absolutely my friend. Pleasure being on the front lines with you. Let me know how I can help or pray for that young lady.