Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why I blog

Over the past couple of years social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and others alike have exploded onto the scene with rapid growth. It makes sense .. People crave relationships. They want a sense of belonging and want to connect with others of the same interests and similarities. We were created by God this way so it's good that we desire a connection with other people and what better way to share those homogeneous associations then on the world wide web where you are connected to billions of people as well as many resources to express yourself? 

With all of these networking structures I am surprised more people do not blog. Maybe people really don't know that much about it or they think it's too much maintenance. Sites like Facebook and Myspace are so popular because they are easy to maintain and you can quickly browse through friends to see what they've been up to. Twitter is also getting more and more popular. Twitter is a program that is very simple, just update your status a few times a day so you and your friends can see what everyone has been up to. That's it, no pictures, no notes, no nothing.. It sounds a like a waste of time just updating your status but isn't that what you spend all day on Facebook doing and checking anyways? 

As much as people want to stay connected with others and get that sense of belonging, blogging is an even better way to build community. You can accomplish all the things of Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter, but build a deeper more meaningful community by writing out ideas, thoughts, and day to day activities. 

Let me give you several reasons why I blog and you should too. 

First of all it gets you in the habit of journaling and writing out your thoughts. This is a discipline that most people would like to do but cannot keep up with. Managing your own blog forces you to keep regular with posts. Writing out your thoughts and ideas on paper or in this case on computer will also help you develop an idea and come back to it whenever you need to.

Blogging can be like therapy. Sometimes it is just good to be able to vent or share with others what has been on your mind lately. It can be easier to share your thoughts over the internet because in a sense you are less exposed then in person but you are still getting out your thoughts. It's healthy stuff you know? 

It is like having a reality show about yourself, if you want. If you really want to share with others who you are then write about it! Updating your status once or twice a day is shallow when compared to writing a few paragraphs about your day or an idea you have come across. 

You can provide insight and encouragement to others who read your blog. Maybe you have some good information to share, (like in this blog) and you want to help others by writing it all down. Plus when you are done, people can comment, give you feedback, and help you develop your ideas even more. 

Finally, blogging puts you on the same playing field as everyone else. You don't have to be a somebody to blog, you can be anyone. The beauty of blogging is your thoughts are written down for everyone to see and you don't have to be famous to be heard. The best idea wins.

What are you waiting for? Start blogging and let the world know you a little better by doing so.


Anonymous said...

You convinced me. I started one.

Micah Andrew Hasty said...

great post my friend. it makes me feel good to have a blog!

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